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[Udemy #BlackFriday] #Prospering at Game Conventions and Conferences


About This Course

 Published 5/2015  English

Course Description

"Game conventions and conferences" is for typical hobby game players and for game designers. Conventions (where people play games, mostly tabletop games) and conferences (where people talk about creating video games) are common and attendance is growing. They vary in size from dozens of attendess to more than 50,000. There's probably one or more within a hundred miles of you.
In this course I talk about what people do at cons and how you can save money when attending, and I describe several specific cons in the southeastern and midwestern USA: GenCon, WBC, Origins, East Coast Game Conference, and PrezCon.
There are no requirements or prerequisites for the course.
This course is likely to slowly grow over time.
Lewis Pulsipher

What are the requirements?

  • No materials, no prequisites

What am I going to get from this course?

  • What people do at cons
  • How to save money going to cons
  • Descriptions of some specific conventions and conferences

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone who's thinking about attending a game convention or conference